How Executive Process Reviews for Microsoft Dynamics GP and Microsoft Dynamics 365 BC Uncover Hidden Opportunities

Several years ago, I had a chance encounter at breakfast in a California resort. I was chatting with a person who turned out to be the new finance director of a company using Microsoft Dynamics GP. Our conversation ultimately changed how they felt about their Microsoft Dynamics ERP solution.

This tale is not just anecdotal; it’s a testament to the transformative power of the Executive Process Review, a service our team at DLD Business Solutions is passionate about.

A Chance Conversation That Led to Change

I shared a table with a finance director from Washington state who oversaw several libraries as part of an association. Not long before, he had begun a new job and vehemently complained about his frustration with the organization’s financial management software. Curiosity prompted me to inquire about what software they used, and I was surprised to hear it was Microsoft Dynamics GP. I had to ask what specific pain points he had encountered. He unleashed a litany of grievances – “It doesn’t do this, doesn’t do that.”

I listened to his complaints and finally had to interrupt, “You know, Dynamics GP can do more than you think. It can handle the rolling reports and other processes you just mentioned.” He was surprised, to say the least, as I ticked off one item after another that Dynamics GP could handle. Then I told him, “I work with GP; my company is a Microsoft GP partner.” That gave him pause, and we proceeded with a pleasant and informative conversation.

Little did I guess that, weeks later, that finance director would contact me. He was frustrated with his present Dynamics GP partner’s lack of support and training options. His call marked the beginning of a successful partner relationship where we provided the training and support that he needed to navigate Dynamics GP more effectively.

Our dealings with this finance director, as with our other valued clients, led to his success and satisfaction with Dynamics GP. And we owe it to our signature Executive Process Review.

Executive Process Reviews: To Uncover Hidden Dynamics GP Opportunities

Our team at DLD Business Solutions specializes in Dynamics GP Process Reviews that dive beyond the surface into the heart of a company’s business processes and its Dynamics GP use. Our approach involves our client’s management team and power users who interact with the solution daily.

Executives and managers discuss business goals, challenges, and objectives, and power users describe their daily experience with Dynamics GP. Understanding these perspectives allows us to identify problems and suggest strategic recommendations.

Our executive reviews uncover various issues. Occasionally, it’s a lack of training. More often, the solutions involve addressing manual processes that would benefit from automation with Dynamics GP. We’ll document our findings, recap the executive process review, and answer any questions.  

Visit our website to learn more about our executive process reviews and how we can help you discover the full potential of Microsoft Dynamics GP and Microsoft Dynamics 365 BC. It’s not just about what GP and BC can do; it’s about what it can do for you. Let’s embark on a journey to transform your Microsoft Dynamics experience together.

With our deep expertise in Microsoft Dynamics ERP systems and our extensive accounting background, you can trust that you’re in good hands. We excel in problem-solving and enjoy helping our clients realize the benefits of accurate reporting, improved financial management, and streamlined processes in both Microsoft Dynamics GP and Microsoft Dynamics 365 BC.

Contact DLD Business Solutions today to start the conversation.

By DLD Business Solutions,

Author: DLD Business Solutions
Meet DLD founder Dennis Day, a seasoned CPA with a bachelor’s degree in accounting (with honors) and a minor in business information systems from the University of Southern Mississippi. His financial management skills have been honed across diverse industries, including banking, healthcare, and hospitality. Dennis earned his reputation as the go-to person for making software work seamlessly for clients, driven by his passion for helping users maximize their software experience. This led Dennis to team up with a Microsoft Gold partner to oversee its GP practice and later founded DLD. DLD stands out for its unique business model, prioritizing continuous training, support, and projects alongside software implementation. Clients appreciate DLD’s deep understanding of their businesses, making DLD a trusted partner in many internal projects.

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